We believe in seeking out the wonder in nature every day.
The Good Jersey Life originated from a deep connection to this living planet and a commitment to take care of it.
When it comes to sustainability, we want you to feel empowered and knowledgeable.
Let’s work together
My work is people led rather than business led - because within every organisation it’s the people who are the real catalysts for change. This is an educational journey - for all of us - so we'll walk through it together, keeping it simple, practical & relevant.
And of course, we'll stay connected to nature every step of the way.
An environmentally aware business considers its impact on both society and the environment. Together we can guide your business to be a force for good.
Eco Leadership
Our Eco Leadership programme equips individuals with practical tools to implement and effect real change in your business and in our community.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
Want to learn more about creating a regenerative island ?
Sign up to the Good Jersey Life Business newsletter for updates on sustainability, eco leadership & how best to start your journey.