A day of simple pleasures

Saturday is traditionally a busy day, a jump-out-of-bed and get on with it sort of day. But today I felt like having a slow motion day, a slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures day.I enjoyed the early morning sunlight in my delightful garden as I pottered around in my pj's.20131006-201140.jpg I enjoyed tea and toast smothered in my homemade rhubarb and ginger jam, the last spoonfuls of the last pot from this season. 20131006-201647.jpg I made a quick batch of scrumptious hedgerow jelly.20131006-202451.jpg I washed and weighed some home-grown organic tomatoes, ready to make ketchup.20131006-203012.jpg I sorted and stored my shallots, onions and butternut squash - bounty from my field this year.20131006-203853.jpg Enough of the home blessing and my step-daughter and I decided to stretch our legs along the length of St Catherine's breakwater.20131006-204829.jpg We kept an eye on the weather front over the Ecrehous and the French coast.20131006-205417.jpg We enjoyed the comings and goings across the bay, then headed home once more.

20131006-210944.jpg A lovely day.


Four seasons in one day


Bedding down for winter