There's something fishy going on.....
I don't know. I've just come home from a cheeky little holiday in Cornwall, and all my organic-tomatoes-grown-from-seed have gone leggy in the greenhouse so it was definitely time to plant them out. First, I hardened them off outside for a few days, and then it was time to plant. I love the internet, apart from the fact that it consumes my time when I go off on tangents. On occasion it can also give you crazy answers to the simplest of questions. How to plant tomatoes? Easy! Fish heads, aspirin, fertiser, egg shells and bonemeal. It's true! I don't know if it works, but I'm going to try it out as an experiment on some of my tomatoes. I was born on Halloween, and this definitely has a witches brew feel to it. Head of fish and shell of egg. Luckily I have close friends who like to fish, so the fish heads weren't a problem. Pollock, bass and mackerel heads, to be precise.
I dug a hole about 18 inches deep and added a fish head to the base.
I covered the fish head with a layer of soil then added the eggshells, aspirin (to boost the immune system of the plant) bonemeal and organic fertiser.
I had a look in my compost bin to see if I had any compost ready and it was perfect, so added a couple of spades full into the hole too.
Last, but not least, I added my leggy tomato plant, having removed the lower leaves first. I'm growing 3 varieties this year - Argo, Tomaso and Ailsa Craig - all grown from seed from The Organic Gardening Catalogue.
Fill in the hole and on with the next! I added a water bottle to get to the roots, but to be honest I think I'll probably be taking that out again soon - I think as the fish rots down it may attract cats or seagulls into the field.
We had a visitor at the field today. We removed some black plastic which we use as a weed suppressant and underneath was a Jersey Crapaud, a common toad. Toads are brilliant for the garden so we just relocated him to another part of the field and dug the tomato bed.
A dozen tomato plants have gone in the ground with the experiment mix. The field is looking amazing after the rain and sun mix Jersey had whilst we were on holiday, and I'm sure our onions grew 6 inches. You can see our new addition in the background, a pollytunnel we built yesterday - but more on that another day.
One of the nicest things about those fish heads is that they also came with bodies. After a busy morning in the field, an afternoon on an archaeology dig and then a quick swim it was finally time to kick back and relax over dinner. My hubby made us some amazing pollock wrapped in parma ham, with roast new potatoes and spinach (from our field) and vine tomatoes (not from the field yet!).
Followed up with sweet and juicy home grown organic strawberries. What a wonderful day!