Final walk of Autumn at St Ouens

We are helping look after this handsome chap for the next week or two. This is Bailey, my step-daughters dog, who has come to Jersey for the Christmas holidays.IMG_7039.JPG Not that we need an excuse for a long walk in the gorgeous Jersey sunshine, but he is great fun to walk with. On Saturday afternoon we took a long walk over the sand dunes, then headed on to the beach at St Ouens. IMG_7012.JPG The sky was full of dappled sunlight and moody clouds, as the sea churned it's way to the beach.

IMG_7031.JPG There were no surfers braving the elements today. But can you see that red flash, way out there by Rocco Tower?

IMG_7048.JPG Someone was enjoying the wind madness. Just look at the height of that jump!

IMG_7030.JPG They tore across the sea at phenomenal speeds.

IMG_7018.JPG And what a backdrop to enjoy your sport!

IMG_7041.JPG Sunsets at St Ouens are always magical. We are nearing winter solstice to this is the furthest extent of the sunset at this side of the bay. By midsummer it sets at the opposite end of the bay.

IMG_7044.JPG It doesn't matter what time of the year though, sunset is always visible from this beach.

IMG_7076.JPG We left the windsurfers to their fun. Standing watching them was cold enough for me, and I don't envy them getting dried in this biting wind.Have a lovely weekend!


A wassailing time!


On the 13th day of Christmas