A fair-weather cycle

I am, without doubt, a fair weather cyclist. And a short-jolly-distance rather than a round-and-round the island cyclist at that. I bought my bike two years ago, and it gets dusted down and oiled at the start of the summer, and packed away to the back of the shed in the autumn. But in between time, I use my bike to cycle to and from work, or to the beach or to my field. It's the kind our kids call the granny bike, but I don't care. I love the sitting up tall cycling position, and the very useful wicker basket at the front.

20130630-142711.jpgThe other morning was the perfect cycle to work. Along Havre des Pas where the high tide was completely hiding the sea pool.

20130630-143203.jpgI have lived close the Havre des Pas for most of my time in Jersey, and it's the place we used to walk to when my son was just a dot, where he spent hours collecting crabs and splashing at the waters edge, and where he learned to snorkel and dive when he was older. The swimming pool beach. It's one of the first places the cousins want to come to as soon as they arrive in Jersey, and it's where my sister and her husband had their wedding reception last year.

20130630-144155.jpgI cycled passed the impressive sculpture at the Carlton apartments,

20130630-145240.jpgand passed Allix Shipyard, important ship builders in the nineteenth century.
20130630-145820.jpgAround the bottom of Mount Bingham and passed the various harbours, the myriad of boats sitting pretty on the still sea.

20130630-144508.jpgSo still that the sea looks slick and the reflections were very sharp.

20130630-144623.jpgThe reflection of the Maritime Museum in the waters of the harbour were very striking.

20130630-144857.jpgFurther along, I cycled passed the Steam Clock sculpture

20130630-150210.jpgand the Liberation sculpture

20130630-150311.jpgand then I was at work. Late. Too many photos and not enough cycling. But what a glorious start to the day!


A taste of summer


Celebrating, Jersey style