Celebrating, Jersey style

Today, we are celebrating. I am so proud of my clan!My niece has come to stay for the summer, and after a few weeks of hard work and training she is now a fully fledged member of staff and you'll find her on the beach with the jet skis all summer long. And now my step-daughter, after working very hard on her placement from college, has been offered the chance to do beach lifeguard training and the offer of a job as a surf coach for the summer, so you'll find her on the beach all summer long too. Added to that my boy working consistently hard as an apprentice electrician, and you can see why I am proud of my clan.To celebrate, the girls and I headed to the beach at Long Beach, Gorey. I love this walk from the car park down to the beach, waiting for that glimpse of golden sand and the beautiful sea.

20130627-180941.jpg This is such a beautiful beach and even more so when the tide is in and the sun is shining.

20130627-182120.jpg We came here to try out Dom's Thai shack on the beach for the first time, and I have to say the food was absolutely delicious! We chose to sit on mats on the sand and were provided with low table which was really comfortable to eat from.

20130627-182718.jpg I walked barefoot towards the sea forgetting that while the sand at the top of the beach is fine and golden, it soon gets pebbly and makes the soles of your feet very tender.

20130627-183123.jpg Dinner done, we began to get too cold after the advance of the sunset caused shade to fall over our spot on the beach - so it was time to pack up.

20130627-183750.jpgWe walked back through the sand dunes, into to the car, and home sweet home.



A fair-weather cycle


Summer standstill