And in with the new

Phew! And didn't the arrival of 2014 make itself known! With winds and rain battering the house for days, the odd chink of sunlight through the racing grey clouds, a storm of hailstones and a thunderstorm and lightening show the new year certainly marked its arrival. I'm hoping this is not an indication of what we have in store for the year to come?Last weekend we decided to try and catch a stormy sunrise, given that it was also high tide. No sun could get through those clouds, so we chased the storm around the island instead. First stop was Le Hocq, and the force of the weather was breathtaking. The waves crashing against the sea wall sent spray up and over the huge granite tower, giving it a proper spring clean.

20140112-090406.jpg The churning waves made me feel seasick, even from the relative safety of the road. The view from this seat is normally a still calm reflection, golden sands and rocky outcrops, bobbing boats and wading birds. But not today .....

20140112-090432.jpg This little area at the beachside is a well used social area for the community, with a pétanque pitch and lots of benches, but I'm not sure how much will survive after this battering.

20140112-090457.jpg If you look closely at the left hand side of this picture you can see that one of the benches was ripped from its concrete anchoring and thrown 15 metres inland by the force of the waves.

20140112-090443.jpg The sea spray made everything look foggy, especially the lens of my camera. It wasn't a good day to have forgotten the lens cleaner and the tripod. I was just too eager to escape out and into the elements to check that I had everything I needed, but at least I remembered the memory card this time.

20140112-084013.jpg I loved the feel of the wind whipping my hair, and the shake of the earth under my feet as the waves pounded the sea wall, the whoosh of the sea spray against my face and the thunderous sounds of a raging sea.

20140112-090645.jpg I loved standing out in the weather, but I hated driving in it. (Note to hubby, when your ankle is not broken any more the car is all yours!). But drive we did, all the way to the other side if the island to see how the west was faring. The high tide had dropped a little by then, so not as dramatic as it must have been earlier. Corbiere Lighthouse, as always, was awash with wild waves.

20140112-090525.jpg The race of the waves across St Ouens bay was impressive.

20140112-090508.jpg And hard though it tried, the sun was a mere chink in the grey armour of the sky above the Radio Tower at Corbiere. (Even through the salty sea spray filter on my lens!)

20140112-090535.jpg We dropped down into St Ouens Bay to feel the force of the churning waves there, looking out towards Rocco Tower, still standing proud.

20140112-090605.jpg Although the States are in the process of renovating the tower as a holiday let, this is is one time I really wouldn't want to be staying out there. I guess it's withstood hundreds of years of storms so far, but still.....

20140112-090543.jpgLa Caumine a Marie Best, otherwise known as the White House, looked vulnerable to the licking waves, but thankfully the worst had passed.

20140112-090628.jpg And finally the storm looked like it was passing. There was blue sky, and sunlight, and it was definitely time for breakfast.



If you go down to the woods today....


Out with the old.