Out with the old.

A Happy and Heathy New Year to you all!It has been a quiet and relaxing festive season. Whilst our girls are sunning themselves on Australian shores, our jack-the-lad is house-sitting and gone feral for a few weeks and so hubby and I just pottered (read hobbled for hubby with a broken ankle) through the days of the holidays.It was nice to make the most of the daylight hours and we made sure we were out and about as much as we could - such a bonus at this time of the year when I normally go to work in the dark and come home at dusk - with just an occasional frenzied half hour walk outside at lunchtime to keep me sane.We had a short, cold walk on the promenade at at St Ouen's Bay where we had an amazing view of a rainbow over the Pinnacle, which reflected beautifully in the sands of the bay.

20140107-192808.jpg And we found the other end of it on the drive back home. I'm always full of childish delight at rainbows. And thunderstorms. And snow, definitely snow. I love all of natures elements (as long as I'm dressed for it!)

20140107-193828.jpg A favourite of ours is to drive 'all the way out west' to St Ouens. We took my father in law with us and sat in the car eating bacon rolls from The Line Up beach shack and watched the kite surfers braving the elements in front of Corbiere Lighthouse.

20140108-063008.jpg They flew along the length of the bay towards La Rocco Tower. I say 'they' as thought there were a crowd. There were two. Two hardy, crazy, impressive and probably freezing cold souls, but we were impressed.

20140108-065208.jpg We met cousins and their brand new puppy dog Brodie, and went a-wandering (with the gorgeous family dog Bailey) across the sand dunes at St Ouens.

20140111-072925.jpg I love the sense of wilderness here, far back from the current coastline but still on the beach, with a Neolithic burial cist and standing stones dotted around.

20140111-073117.jpg We drove to the end of the bay and kept warm in the car, whilst squinting out at the deceptively sunny views across the bay.

20140111-073559.jpg Whilst enjoying the escapades of others who decided to combine adrenalin with the elements.

20140111-073537.jpg And this is how we happily pottered out the end of 2013 - out and about as much as possible, spending precious time with family and friends and enjoying Jersey life. Very content. Happy New Year!


And in with the new


Stepping out on the sea bed